Tag: R2-D2

All Kitchen and Cooking Things for R2-D2 Lovers from Star Wars

Unique Black & White Salt and Pepper Set for R2-D2 Lovers

I don’t personally collect salt and pepper shakers. I’ve seen so many out there that they all start to look alike. So if you or someone you know does collect them, and especially if they are a Star Wars fan, these two droids in black and white (R2 is white, of course) will make a nice kitchen counter decoration. Not to mention fun to use.

Cool Kitchen Timer For Star Wars Fan Cooks

Every cook needs a few timers around the kitchen. I couldn’t do without at least 3 of them in addition to the microwave and the oven. If you cook several dishes at a time, you know that keeping track of all of the “done times” is difficult without enough timers. Use your watch? Watch the regular clock? No way. And you’ll get R2-D2 in your kitchen, too.

Awesome Droid Measuring Cups For R2-D2 Lovers

If you are an R2-D2 fan or know someone who is, you’ll absolutely adore this measuring cup set. It’s a nifty puzzle to dis-assemble R2 to use his parts, and then figure out how to put R2 back together again. A Must-Have Exclusive gift.